Faster Whitening • No Sensitivity • All Natural
Enamel Safe • Maximum Results
Spa-Dent achieves 4-8 shades whiter in about 20 minutes, with a unique Blue AND Red LED light. It's all-natural and provides the maximum whitening benefit, in the least amount of time with virtually no sensitivity. Not only that, it maximizes oral health while whitening, by remineralizing teeth and healing oral tissue. The gel absorbs the light energy, which photo-chemically "excites" the peroxide molecules into breaking down faster. It provides "activating energy" that speeds up and improves the performance of whitening!

In-office 20 or 40 minute session
Take home a Home Kit, which includes an LED light to increase results and decrease time. Also great for whitening maintenance!
Learn more about the At-Home Whitening options we provide
No sensitivity
All natural (the only whitening product that has a natural health number)
Gluten Free
Silica Free
Sugar Free
No UV or lasers
Watch a Testimonial

More about whitening on our blog
"I drink coffee and wine, etc… I hear that’s bad for keeping my teeth white, but I don’t want to stop those habits!" What should you do?
Generally, EVERYONE can benefit from teeth whitening, because not only is it making your smile brighter, it's also killing bacteria, remineralizing your enamel, and other great healthy things. There are a few cases where whitening isn't going to be successful...
If you experienced sensitivity with your last teeth whitening, whether at a dental office, or a home system, you might be putting off your next session as long as possible! But, what if you always want to look shiny-bright?
If you’ve ever whitened your teeth, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced that feeling of ache and sensitivity afterwards. Some of the most common side effects associated with dental teeth whitening techniques include...
Betty Jane talks on Rogers Daytime TV about dental health—what dental hygienists do, the dangers of oral cancer and how independent dental hygienists can help you achieve the best dental health. She also talks about Spa Dent teeth whitening, the most effective and healthy whitening product on the market today. She provides both the in-office treatments and a home kit to achieve at least 4-6 shades whiter teeth.
I was interviewed today on Rogers Daytime TV show, talking about dental hygiene and my increasingly popular Spa-Dent teeth whitening system.
Listen to my interview on Faith FM 94.3 about dental hygiene, teeth whitening, and the rise of dental hygiene clinics as an alternative to the traditional dentist-provided care.
Sometimes going to the dentist to get whitened is a challenge... either because of the cost, or the intimidation-factor, or inconvenience, or any number of factors. So, can you use at-home products to accomplish the same job?